Dental Plaque 101: What You Should Know
Why do we need to brush our teeth and floss so regularly?

Well, we do this so that we remove the food particles and plaque that collects on our teeth... you know, the stuff that can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and cause terribly stinky breath.

More on Dental Plaque...

Dental plaque (or biofilm) is a soft and sticky substance that accumulates on the teeth. It is composed of mostly water, as well as countless bacteria and polysaccharides and glycoproteins. When it is not regularly removed, it hardens and turns into a substance called tartar... and in this state, can only be successfully removed by a professional using special instruments. (A great reason to visit our Newcastle dentist and hygienist if you haven't had a cleaning in over 6 months)!

Tartar leads to gum disease, yellowing teeth, and halitosis. Gum disease begins as gingivitis, where the gums will appear more tender and will bleed easily with flossing or brushing. Luckily, this initial form of gum disease is treatable with a professional cleaning and a change to oral hygiene habits. If gingivitis is left untreated, it will progress to periodontitis – an advance and irreversible condition where the gums become extremely swollen or puffy and the teeth become loose and at risk for loss.

This is why it's so important to remove it through regular brushing and flossing while it's still easy to remove... and before it becomes a bigger threat to oral health.

How to keep on top of plaque

It's really simple to keep plaque from turning into aggressive tartar. Just remember to brush twice a day with a soft bristled toothbrush and with the proper technique. Our dental professionals would be glad to show you the best way to get an effective clean. You should also ensure you're brushing for at least two minutes each time... it definitely makes a difference! And don't skip flossing. Floss once daily to keep gum disease and tooth decay at bay. And last, but certainly not least, it's very important to never skip a professional cleaning.

All of these efforts will help you put plaque in its place... which is not in your mouth!